Sunday, April 22, 2012

I have a bad habit of looking for things that I need for the new house before we move in and I have room to store them.  I don't know if anyone else struggles with this while looking to move, but my husband will tell you when we moved from an apartment to a house the first time the walls were invisible due to all the things I had bought and stacked anticipating our move.  So after Stacy Clouse gave me the fabulous idea of using a tv armoire for kitchen pantry space, I couldn't resist seeing what was on craigslist.  If you have ever priced flimsy particle board cabinets, you know they are not cheap.  I got this one from an old lady downsizing who dropped the price if I would come pick it up today before 5pm.  For almost half the price of cheapo particle board that will bust in a few years, I get solid cherry.  How could I resist?

Friday, April 13, 2012

Dwelling #5 started me thinking on all the places I've lived and various things I've loved about each.  If I start from birth, I would have to change the previous post to Dwelling #10.  I've had many people ask me over the years if my dad was in the military (and he was briefly, that just wasn't why we kept moving), but I know others     make 10 homes look like pocket change (I mean you Sarah McMurray).  So, the question for today is how many places have you lived? And no, cars don't count.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Gearing up to sign our lives away on May 1st and purchase dwelling#5 of our 9 year marriage.  Don't be scared.  We're not really going to live in a house that hasn't changed anything since 1970.  How could I possibly buy a house that was already the way I wanted it?  Carpet, paint, tile, landscaping, and a dose of Lorna McMurray's definition of clean is all it needs.