Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Return to Nasty Ash

We are mid-renovation in the basement bathroom but I am going to hold you on the edge of your seat.  Yes, the shower is almost complete, but i like shock value.  In fact, I will revise that and say that I am a huge fan of shock value.  Therefore, I will show you the inordinately entertaining photos of demolition.  And it WAS as fun as it looks.  First if you will recall the horror I purchased.  Ugh. Gross.

When we started tearing stuff out we found this:

Anyone have any ideas what it could be?? We were at a loss.  But in a 40 year old house there is no end to the possibilities.  So, we had to resort to the good old N95's.  It's a mask similar to a respirator for those of you who have never worked with harsh chemicals or TB patients.

Yep, I like to kick down walls in my spare time.  In flip-flops.

Unfortunately, the jackhammer was so loud I did not document the removal of the concrete base of the shower.  Sincere thanks to my wonderful father.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Not done but....

I do realize that there have been no pictures of this house once we've moved in.  There is a reason that I took pictures before the furniture/boxes/junk made its way here.  That reason is that I am not generally speaking a clean freak and I am the mother of a toddler that likes to make Hansel & Gretel trails of toys everywhere she goes.  I believe there is a reason that Better Homes and Gardens does not show homes with junk everywhere and that is because no one wants to look at them.  Therefore, while we are in the process of living, I think this is the end.  Farewell.  At least until the basement starts crying out for help...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A project a day must keep something away, right?  Well, it's not working because every project ends up taking more time and/or materials than previously thought.  But, I hung pictures/artwork today thanks to the contributions of Sarah McMurray and Ashton Clarkson-McCain.

I would think after coughing most of the night, she would want to watch tv or sleep all day, but there was work to be done in the toy box today that just couldn't wait.

The picture to the left gets no credit because I have no idea who took it.

Monday, July 9, 2012

House Arrest Day 4

I feel a little bit like i'm in jail.  I think that my almost 3 year old coming down with whooping cough can be added to the list of calamities that have occurred alongside my many moves.  We had only been in the house a few days when Willow started what I thought was fake coughing.  You know: you ask your child to do something, in response you get a little minuscule cough and an "I don't feel good, mom".  Yeah right, suck it up, do what I say.  Nurses make the meanest moms and I learned from the best.  I probably would've chalked it up to allergies for at least another week if we didn't have friends with children being tested for whooping cough. So, Willow started her antibiotics on Thursday evening and we are house bound until they are gone.
I am thankful that she is old enough that we are at home instead of in the hospital.
I am thankful that I bought a cool mist humidifier even though I thought it was a scam.
I am thankful that we are in a 3 bedroom house instead of our apartment.
I am thankful for netflix.
I am thankful for being forced to stay home and stare at all the little things that still need done until I do them because I can't stand them sitting there any longer.
I am thankful for all the sunday school/preschool websites that have lessons you can print for free.
I am thankful that my oven is still possessed by a friendly spirit that hasn't passed over yet, because when it does, I will have to buy a new one.
I am thankful that I have been home to field craigslist calls.
I am thankful that it is only 81 degrees outside so I can possibly take Willow in the backyard without her suffocating.
I am thankful that Madison has escaped whooping cough so far even though no one tells you your child isn't immune until after their age 5 shots.
I am thankful that none of our family has caught it yet.
I am thankful I can leave the house tomorrow evening.
I am thankful that Willow has apparently gotten tired of pull-ups and asked to wear panties this morning.
I am thankful that my child is still excited about having bible class and does not ask to watch tv instead.
I am thankful for the internet so I don't feel like I'm in a black hole.
I am thankful for my husband taking my child downstairs or entertaining her when I can't stand her touching me anymore for the day.
I am thankful for pinterest even though I do not need to start any more projects.
I am thankful for the forced quality time spent with my child.
I am thankful for God who makes me stop and consider my blessings even when it's not in a way I would choose.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Pictures - minus the bathroom.

The bathroom floor is still not in.  Hopefully one of these days they'll send the right floor in the right size both at the same time.  The oven fairy must have came and fixed the oven because I plugged it in yesterday and magically the error code was gone and has not come back.  I am sure it will return at approximately 3 am one of these nights and wake me up out of a dead sleep.  Just because.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Moved in...mostly.

I am curious to know what order of importance others place on necessities. For instance:
1. Internet
2. Sleep
3. Food
4. TV
5. Clothes

Notice just because I place internet first does not mean I receive it.  It was hooked up and I had a signal, but for some reason installation experts don't like to provide passwords to unsuspecting spouses.  Nonetheless, Charter redeemed themselves by promptly providing a password in exchange for a phone number in a surprisingly short amount of time.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Musings Motivated by Moving

     I have never once in my life moved homes and had everything go perfectly smooth.  My first remembered move from Sheridan to Middletown, Indiana at the ripe old age of five included sitting in the back seat of my mother's car next to my sister and cat packed to the gills with our belongings.  It was only an hour's drive or so but just long enough for my sister to vomit all over the backseat of the car.
     The next move was from Indiana to Minnesota and after walking off the plane and retrieving my poor abused miniature poodle from his crate he promptly defecated on the baggage claim area floor. Only a few days after that incident I spent many hours in the ER after foolishly trying to trap a new pet toad in a recently unpacked glass jar.
     A mere 2 1/2 years later we packed up and headed to southern Minnesota over Christmas vacation (For those of you who are not Minnesota natives or residents, NO ONE moves during the winter in Minnesota). Unfortunately my school term wasn't over and so my belongings headed to Red Wing where I only had visitation rights on weekends for the next month or so while living with friends.
     Two years later Dad got the wanderlust again and decided to move us to the wilds of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.  Yet again, most of my belongings left without me due to an unexpected visit from cousins with an empty moving truck that we packed up almost overnight and sent on months ahead of our move.  I have to say that getting to graduate a semester early from high school made up for that one though.
     Post a year of college I went on my honeymoon (and forgot you're not allowed to carry butterfly knives when trying to go through airport security) while I sent my over six feet tall father in law back to Tennessee in my packed manual transmission Saturn.  Amazing that he loves me anyway isn't it?
      Three years later on the way to our newly purchased house I managed to rear end another vehicle in the legendary rush hour traffic of Nashville and separated my shoulder that ended up needing surgery a year later.
     Four years following that we packed up, sold the house and moved across state lines with a newborn that gets carsick (at least she had the good taste to throw up on Daddy).  I do not recommend anyone moving with a newborn if they can help it.  This time I was also required to leave most of my belongings in storage for the next two years.
     And just under a year ago, we packed up again and realized the moving truck wasn't big enough and we would have to pull my in laws trailer down as well.  Then the trailer lights didn't work.  Four adults driving four vehicles for that move.  And I'm pretty sure my father-in-law got stuck with the truck that only gets air conditioning when you're not accelerating.  Which is most of the time pulling a trailer.
     You would think that I would reconsider all the moving, hassle, etc.  But no, not only did I want to buy another house, I insisted on falling in love with a house built before I was born that needed excessive amounts of work.  Just because moving is always too easy.
     So for those of you that have already accepted the invitation to partake in our Saturday disaster, I apologize in advance for the frustrations that have followed me since childhood.  No, that is not the bathroom tile I picked out, but if you come back Monday it should be.  Yes, the garage door must be manually opened now.  I am pretty sure that some mischievous teenagers were plotting to get in the empty house and engage in illegal activities.  Yes, I know the front door is broken and use the downstairs bathroom at your own risk.  It has not been cleaned in many many moons.
     I heard a fairy tale this afternoon that my internet will be installed at the new house in the morning with 15 mbps.  If it turns into reality I will be a loyal Charter customer for life and give mass exclamations of praise to anyone that will listen.  See you on the other side.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Finishing up the bathroom.

Please pardon the picture quality, I forgot my camera and used my phone.

In the process of painting the bathroom cabinets white.  I am starting to get that ill feeling when you think something is going to go horribly wrong and it's going to look terrible.  Only the first coat is on in the pic, the 2nd coat is on and I am crossing my fingers and praying that rolling a 3rd coat will get rid of the brush strokes and drip marks(I may have to sand those) and cover the rest. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Ruminations whilst painting.

1.  A good paintbrush is worth its weight in gold.
2.  No matter how long you deliberate over what color to choose and how enamored you are of it, you will still be sick of the color by the time you are finished.
3.  Paint fumes make me angry even with the window open.
4.  The most detailed room should probably not be left for last.
5.  The longer it takes to complete the project, the more accepting I am of errors.
6.  It doesn't matter if the paint can says it has primer in it, dark colors still require a second coat.
7.  If your house has not been painted in 40 years, you will probably end up paying a lot more for paint then you thought.
8.  If your house has not been painted (or possibly cleaned) in 40 years, you will end up painting every surface.
9.  It is probably worth it to pay anyone to watch your child unless you enjoy potty breaks and requests for food every 15 minutes.
10.  Kids DO get tired of TV.
11.  I never thought I would say we have to paint all the closets.
12.  Under the influence of paint fumes may not be the best time to think of new posts for your blog.
13.  To the teenage girls lounging poolside next door while I am balancing precariously and trying not to break my neck and concurrently forced to listen to the theme song of "Sid, the Science Kid" for hours at a time I just want to say I am not envious of you at all right now.  Because it's not "Yo Gabba Gabba".

Sunday, June 3, 2012

End in sight.

The end is in sight!  2 more rooms to paint and they WILL be done before flooring is installed 1 week from tomorrow.  If I say it with emphasis it will get done, right?  Move-in date set for the 16th.  Be there or be square.

Monday, May 14, 2012

The work in progress continues

So proud of my handyman for seeing this project through to the end:)

The bathtub/walls are nearing completion.  Three 1/2 more rooms to paint then waiting for the flooring to be installed.

A work in progress

Stripping wallpaper is fine, its peeling the adhesive that makes me want to murder someone.

The bathroom gutted of its old person walk in bathtub that I will be putting on craigslist.  Such a shame that the only thing they updated in 40 years had to be ripped out.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The papers have been signed, I have given my money, received the keys, and pledged to pay twice what my house is worth over the next 30 years.  More pictures to come as soon as i take myself and my spray bottle filled with half water/half fabric softener over to start peeling wallpaper.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

I have a bad habit of looking for things that I need for the new house before we move in and I have room to store them.  I don't know if anyone else struggles with this while looking to move, but my husband will tell you when we moved from an apartment to a house the first time the walls were invisible due to all the things I had bought and stacked anticipating our move.  So after Stacy Clouse gave me the fabulous idea of using a tv armoire for kitchen pantry space, I couldn't resist seeing what was on craigslist.  If you have ever priced flimsy particle board cabinets, you know they are not cheap.  I got this one from an old lady downsizing who dropped the price if I would come pick it up today before 5pm.  For almost half the price of cheapo particle board that will bust in a few years, I get solid cherry.  How could I resist?

Friday, April 13, 2012

Dwelling #5 started me thinking on all the places I've lived and various things I've loved about each.  If I start from birth, I would have to change the previous post to Dwelling #10.  I've had many people ask me over the years if my dad was in the military (and he was briefly, that just wasn't why we kept moving), but I know others     make 10 homes look like pocket change (I mean you Sarah McMurray).  So, the question for today is how many places have you lived? And no, cars don't count.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Gearing up to sign our lives away on May 1st and purchase dwelling#5 of our 9 year marriage.  Don't be scared.  We're not really going to live in a house that hasn't changed anything since 1970.  How could I possibly buy a house that was already the way I wanted it?  Carpet, paint, tile, landscaping, and a dose of Lorna McMurray's definition of clean is all it needs.