Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A project a day must keep something away, right?  Well, it's not working because every project ends up taking more time and/or materials than previously thought.  But, I hung pictures/artwork today thanks to the contributions of Sarah McMurray and Ashton Clarkson-McCain.

I would think after coughing most of the night, she would want to watch tv or sleep all day, but there was work to be done in the toy box today that just couldn't wait.

The picture to the left gets no credit because I have no idea who took it.


  1. I forgot about those awful pictures of me you like to hang on your walls!

    1. Oh Julie, those are great pictures. Don't worry I hid them in Willow's bedroom.

  2. One of the paintings in willow's room seems to be something from the blue period. Hardy har!
