Monday, July 9, 2012

House Arrest Day 4

I feel a little bit like i'm in jail.  I think that my almost 3 year old coming down with whooping cough can be added to the list of calamities that have occurred alongside my many moves.  We had only been in the house a few days when Willow started what I thought was fake coughing.  You know: you ask your child to do something, in response you get a little minuscule cough and an "I don't feel good, mom".  Yeah right, suck it up, do what I say.  Nurses make the meanest moms and I learned from the best.  I probably would've chalked it up to allergies for at least another week if we didn't have friends with children being tested for whooping cough. So, Willow started her antibiotics on Thursday evening and we are house bound until they are gone.
I am thankful that she is old enough that we are at home instead of in the hospital.
I am thankful that I bought a cool mist humidifier even though I thought it was a scam.
I am thankful that we are in a 3 bedroom house instead of our apartment.
I am thankful for netflix.
I am thankful for being forced to stay home and stare at all the little things that still need done until I do them because I can't stand them sitting there any longer.
I am thankful for all the sunday school/preschool websites that have lessons you can print for free.
I am thankful that my oven is still possessed by a friendly spirit that hasn't passed over yet, because when it does, I will have to buy a new one.
I am thankful that I have been home to field craigslist calls.
I am thankful that it is only 81 degrees outside so I can possibly take Willow in the backyard without her suffocating.
I am thankful that Madison has escaped whooping cough so far even though no one tells you your child isn't immune until after their age 5 shots.
I am thankful that none of our family has caught it yet.
I am thankful I can leave the house tomorrow evening.
I am thankful that Willow has apparently gotten tired of pull-ups and asked to wear panties this morning.
I am thankful that my child is still excited about having bible class and does not ask to watch tv instead.
I am thankful for the internet so I don't feel like I'm in a black hole.
I am thankful for my husband taking my child downstairs or entertaining her when I can't stand her touching me anymore for the day.
I am thankful for pinterest even though I do not need to start any more projects.
I am thankful for the forced quality time spent with my child.
I am thankful for God who makes me stop and consider my blessings even when it's not in a way I would choose.

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