Sunday, June 17, 2012

Moved in...mostly.

I am curious to know what order of importance others place on necessities. For instance:
1. Internet
2. Sleep
3. Food
4. TV
5. Clothes

Notice just because I place internet first does not mean I receive it.  It was hooked up and I had a signal, but for some reason installation experts don't like to provide passwords to unsuspecting spouses.  Nonetheless, Charter redeemed themselves by promptly providing a password in exchange for a phone number in a surprisingly short amount of time.


  1. 1. Food
    2. Sleep
    3. Internet
    4. Clothes
    5. TV

    IMO you way underrated food! lol I don't know why I feel the need to rate it so high, but I do love it. Except during my last 2 pregnancies I got sick of having to eat all the time, and am a tiny bit that way now some days since I'm still nursing Alivia and can't get enough to eat. But I still LOVE it most of the time!

    1. Mine was more of an unpacking list....such as food doesn't need to be unpacked due to nearby restaurants. Haha.
